Wednesday, February 20, 2008

30 years still fighting - Equality for all!

Thursday 21/2/08 
 For immediate release 
Open Invitation Call for all & Queer indigenous to join us for Mardi Gras Leading Sydney Queer activist group Community Action For Rainbow Rights (CARR) is sending out an open invitation to all queer and queer friendly people to join us on the 1st of March 2008 to march in the Mardi Gras parade. With the aim of having the most diverse float of the evening we call on those who believe in equality and justice for all to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the very first Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. 

 "For more than 30 years we've been fighting for the equality of all GLBTI people irregardless of colour, gender or sexuality," says Mr Rev Comrade Rowley CARR Activist. "The ALP were the first to side with the Liberals to ban our marriages in 2004 and should be the first to end all homophobic discriminatory laws. The fight for equality is a world wide struggle to end all discrimination. This Mardi Gras we need to continue building a strong united protest for equality to win." 

"Some Indigenous people are queer too, we ask all Indigenous people to march with us in solidarity for equal Rights", says Allan Priestley CARR  Co convenor. "Mardi Gras began as a protest in 1978 to end all homophobic laws. Whether you're black or white 30 years on Mardi Gras is still a protest for the equality of all GLBTI people." 

 "I think that it is important we all turn out again this year as after 30 years we still do not have our rights" Alan Brennan CARR Treasurer. "We call for all to march with us for Mardi Gras in a united fight for equal rights." 

CARR's theme for this years Mardi Gras is "30 years on still fighting 1978 –2008" Going with the 70's theme we will be dressing up as hippies and protestors – So bring out the flare pants and the peace signs, protest banners and big hair and get ready for the time of your life!! 

Entry $10 solidarity/$5 concession per wrist band to cover the costs of the float entry 
For more information contact: Rach 0403 798 420 Emilia 0401 519 593 Alan 0433 774 280 2008 30th Mardi Gras Anniversary CARR Entry 

Endorsement list CARR (Sydney), Gay Men's Sydney Nudest Group, New Mardi Gras, Refugee Action Coalition, Socialist Alliance?, Resistance?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The time has come for unity (given at the Australia Day Reclaim Our Rights Vigil & amended)

Recently there has been disunity. I spoke this in the hope that we can all put our differences aside and unite in order to change the world. Like i always say it's not about the crap but what you do with others about it that counts. 
By Mr Rev Comrade Rowley
I stand before you as a queer orphan civil rights revolutionary who fights for everything with you for all your civil rights regardless and inclusive of all sexualities, genders and races in the fight for the human race. That is calling for a united, open, inclusive active campaign lead by the people. People who are willing to fight to stop the injustices of homophobic, racist and discriminatory attacks of the world that occurs every minute of every day like the example of aboriginal Redfern gay couple Craig Gee and Shane Gee. These injustices caused by the few powers that be who allow it to continue on our streets through the laws and culture of our society. Can I continue to join you to actively stop it? Currently in the world there are only six countries, which nationally recognize our LGBTI marriages. 15 countries, which nationally recognize civil unions. Ten countries, which recognize LGBTI adoptions and sadly Australia, isn't one of them. Shame! Both of the major parties continue to try to sell us relationship recognition and parenting rights by continuing to claim marriage is between a man and a woman. Do we think this is a crock? Yes!! So why does it take until after a 11years of homophobia and racism new Liberal leader Tony Bourke's brother to have to die of AIDS after loosing the election before they'll come out to support queer rights? Why does it take an election for the ALP after so many years of siding with the Liberals to make promises they will repeal all homophobic laws, but only offer us relationship registers which don't even recognize our rights? Why? Because both parties are backed by the Christian Right who continue to declare us "the moral terrorists of the 21st century" who are considered to violate their precious nuclear families. The ALP never listened to the 71% of Australians when they sided with the liberals to ban our marriages in 2004. While we support initiatives we want our full rights and we want them now. Can I continue to join you to actively stand up for all rights? Homophobia, racism and discrimination destroy lives. GLBTI people are six to seven times more likely to kill themselves than our straight counterparts with that rate higher in the queer indigenous population from Black deaths occurring in custody. It is said one in four lesbian and gays are physically assaulted in their lifetime. For any law that bans us, bars us, rejects us, locks us up without rights, institutionalizes us, suppresses and exploits our sexuality, our gender regardless of race or belief; denies our children, our land, our education, our work rights; pollutes our land or deems our acts of love as immoral fuels this violence. Can I continue to join you to actively end all discrimination & injustice of this world? For the time has come for the united fight to repeal all the 58 homophobic laws and beyond as identified by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 2007 report. For the ALP to keep their promises and repeal them such as the 2004 same - sex marriage ban; the 2006 ACT Civil Union Ban and legalize Same Sex Adoption. The ALP were the first to side with the liberals to ban our marriages and they should be the first to end all homophobic laws! To give all gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans, intersex, queers regardless of label or race our rights now. Can I continue to join you to actively end all homophobia? For the time us come to unite with the indigenous people who are gay too. To fight for compensation of the stolen generation by more than just a sorry from either of the major parties for maliciously taking their children, their land and their culture away while institutionalizing their sexuality which continues today. To end the Northern Territory Intervention, give them health care, their birthright to their land. Reunite them with their people, their culture and allow them to govern themselves. Can I continue to join you to actively end all racism? For the time has come to unite to end mandatory detention of all refugees like queer Pakistani refugee Ali Humayun who faces his third year in VIllawood who will be killed and persecuted for their sexuality, political and religious beliefs if sent home. Can I continue to join you to actively free them? For the time has come for AIDS care instead of warfare. In the world, every 10 seconds the rich drug companies deny anti viral drugs to places like Africa, someone will die of AIDS. Every six seconds governments and the Christian right deny condoms to the third world someone will contract HIV. Every 12 seconds governments deny abortions only to fund another war, another AIDS orphan is born. Can I continue to join you to actively end all wars? For the time has come to resolve the environmental crisis. LGBTI people continually are blamed for environmental devastation by the Christian right in the example of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Why? As a further excuse for world leaders like the Bush administration to continue to mine for uranium to make more money. Shame! We are facing a massive world refugee crisis by 2050 where there won't be any land left to mine. Australia is home to 40% of the world uranium deposits, and as the nuclear agenda is being pushed abroad, there is substantial pressure on Australia, as one of only three countries that do export uranium, to expand mining. We need real solutions now and not band aid solutions. Can I continue to join you to fight for the environment. Last year we rallied hard again on the 3rd National Day of Action in August lead by people like you who united together irregardless of sexuality, gender, colour or beliefs to fight homophobic discrimination. It was successful because it inclusively unified 3000 GLBTI people across Australia in Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Lismore and Sydney with over 80 groups involved which stopped the Liberals from banning overseas same sex adoption. It was successful because it linked with the worldwide struggle against homophobic, racist discrimination. We're excited countries like Brazil, France, UK, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, New Zealand and the US state of Florida pledging unconditional solidarity to our fight for our rights. Yet it was successful because it forced both local and international media to tell the truth. That we are peaceful who want all our rights and the state is not, which denies our rights. For not the police, nor homophobic churches like St Andrews Cathedral could stop us, arrest us or acts of violence occurred. So 3000 vibrant, peaceful active queers can't be wrong. We're also excited about the Greens and the democrats putting forward private members Bills that will recognize our relationships and allow us to adopt. For it will be a great day when we are all equal. When GLBTI of all colours & beliefs don't have to wait 3 years at the bottom of waiting lists to be able to raise one of the 143mil children orphaned by the effects of war and poverty. As one big amazing community that accepts us all equal rather than rejects or blames. Can you continue to join you to actively build a revolution? We need to defend unions and organizations such as the MUA and the firefighters unions who are willing to fight with us in solidarity. To win a all rights and end all discriminatory attacks we need unity that is inclusive of all queers, of all people, of all colours who are not afraid to stand up for their rights without anyone trying to hinder our peaceful efforts. Can I continue to join you to actively help you fight for socialism? Stonewall, 1978, the 10year campaign that repealed Tasmanian homophobic laws, ACT UP and the NDA are great examples of what we need to do. For lobbying the state for things like more police isn't going to cut it. We need to forge an open active inclusively proud united movement led by the people to actively combat homophobia and discrimination. If we can do that together we can win a truly just society. Can I join you to continue to actively change the world?